Friday, September 24, 2010

Thank You Letter From the Hernandez Family

September 18, 2010

A note to the community from the Hernandez Family:

On the day our lives were shattered by the devastating fire that gutted our “home” on Richardson Street, we had no idea where to turn or what we were going to do.

We are so grateful and blessed to have received such wonderful acts of caring and generosity from so many of you who chose to come together to help and support us.

Joie Gerrish
Paul Simpson
Our Friend Trelawney
Maria Shea
The Red Cross
The Woodville School Family
The Lord Wakefield
The Episcopal Church
Wakefield Municipal Gas and Light Department
Mission of Deeds
First Parish Church
Bob & Merry Eldridge
Wakefield Co-Operative Bank
Doug Dodge
The Farm Land
LAR Service Center
Kathie Eldridge
Mary Boles
Sara Murphy
Andy McRae
Wakefield Interfaith Food Pantry

We thank you for the many donations of food, clothing, furniture, scrap metal, landscaping work, opportunities for the children, offers to translate English to Spanish (and vice a versa!), as well as tutoring our family in learning and comprehending English. Lest we not forget to mention the continuous delivery of meals and supplies to The Lord Wakefield EVERY day during our two month stay there as we searched for housing.

Our family has grown with the many new friendships formed during this transition. We are comfortably settled in our new apartment.

We are so thankful to so many, yet, just “thank you” seems so inadequate. We keep wondering what we could do to thank everyone; then we recall words often said to us by a “new family member” …. “You can continue to grow, become part of your community, and jump in to help others as others have helped you. That is something you can do to thank people.”

If we have not mentioned someone or an organization specifically, please forgive us and know we so appreciate everyone’s effort on our behalf and truly are so very thankful to you all!

Most Sincerely,
The Hernandez Family