Friday, October 22, 2010

This Week's Staff Spotlight

Adam Feldman, Physical Education Teacher
Mr. Feldman has been teaching for three years now - all here at the Woodville. He has a Bachelor's Degree in Physical Education from Salem State where he is currently working on his Master's Degree. He has been working with children for the past 12 years in area summer camps, as well as teaching swimming at various YMCAs area. In his free time, Mr. Feldman loves to spend time with his niece and nephew. He is also a huge Red Sox fan and tries to go to games whenever possible.

Joie Edson, Physical Education Teacher
Ms. Edson has been teaching Physical Education in Wakefield for eight years. Prior to teaching PE, she owned a small business called Joie Edson’s Exercise Exchange for over 20 years. She still teaches all types of group fitness classes on nights and weekends at local gyms. Ms. Edson's favorite class to teach is Zumba! Every February she teaches group exercise classes in Jamaica at a gorgeous resort exchange for an all inclusive vacation. Sweet deal!! She has three grown children and a pet therapy dog named Lucy.