Friday, February 4, 2011

The Rewards of Reading

You know how important it is to read to your children. Children whose families read with them do better in school. And the bonds that you make with your children when you read with them help them feel loved, comforted, and secure. Like most families, you want to read with your children, but somehow days can go by without you sitting down with them and opening a book.

The key is to make it a priority. Here are several suggestions to help your children improve their reading skills.

• Fifteen minutes a day can change their lives.
• Always have a book on hand, no matter where you are.
• Focus on their interests.
• Ask them questions while you’re reading.
• Be a patient listener.
• Get everyone involved.
• There’s something special about owning a book.

Yes, you’re busy. Yes, your children are too. But reading with your children really needs to be part of your day, every day. Fifteen minutes a day is a small investment that will generate enormous rewards.
Source: NAESP