Friday, January 14, 2011

MCAS Dates

Attention third and fourth grade parents: Please record the following important MCAS dates. It would be greatly appreciated if you can make every effort to make sure the children come to school each morning during MCAS testing dates. The tests are administered beginning at 9:00 a.m. each morning. It has been our experience that students perform best when their classroom teachers administer the test versus having to take make-up tests with unfamiliar staff personnel. I thank you in advance for your cooperation with this request.
Grade 4 Long Composition: Tuesday March 22nd
Grade 3 English/Language Arts MCAS: Wednesday and Thursday March 23rd and 24th
Grade 4 English/Language Arts MCAS: Monday and Tuesday March 28th and 29th
Grade 4 Long Composition Make-Up: Thursday March 31st
Grade 3 Math: Wednesday and Thursday May 11th & May 12th
Grade 4 Math: Wednesday and Thursday May 18th and 19th