Monday, March 14, 2011

Stories for a Safer Wakefield Guest Reader Day

Today, our school welcomed many community members to be guest readers as part of Wakefield's Stories for a Safer Wakefield project. The readers read the book One by Kathryn Otoshi, which is a wonderful story about interactions that take place and a message that it only takes "one" person to stand up for what he or she believes.

With the recent legislation, bullying is an important topic in elementary schools across our nation, and locally, here in Wakefield, we want to support our students and parents as they navigate this issue. It is important to teach our students the ways to recognize bullying, talk about it, and strategies to deal with it so that we can put an end to it.

As you may know, I am on the Board of Directors for the Wakefield Alliance Against Violence (WAAV) and through my work on that board, the school department has partnered with the Beebe Public Library to create “Stories for a Safer Wakefield” which is a month-long community inquiry intended to provoke thought and discussion about violence and its deterrence. There are many community events throughout the month of March, 2011 around this issue.

Using the books donated, we invited guest readers to all of our elementary classrooms to read to the students. After the guest reader’s visit, the teachers will be using the books in the classroom to support our “Second Step” curriculum to engage students in discussions around bullying and strategies they can use to diffuse situations.

The books were generously donated to the students of Wakefield by the Friends of the Bebee Library.

back row: (l to r) - Off. Kenneth Silva (Police Department), Daniel Lieber (School Committee), Nancy Santapaola (Curriculum Director), Dr. Kim Smith (High School Principal), Joan Landers (Superintendent), Margo Periello (Walton Principal), Lt. Craig Calabrese (Police Department)

middle row: (l to r) - Therese Jarmusik (Galvin Asst. Principal), Cindy Schatz (Friends of the Bebee), Bernie Hutchens (Friends of the Bebee), Elizabeth Lowry (WAAV), Sherri Oken (Friends of the Bebee), Dr. Paula Mullen (Galvin Principal)

front row: (l to r) - Lisa Butler (School Committee), Paul Brodeur (State Representative), Cindy Addeo (WAAV), Brian Middleton-Cox (Woodville Principal), Sharon Gilley (Bebee Library Director), Eric Reid (UU Church), Beth Yando (Dolbeare Principal)

Unavailable for photo: Katherine Clark (State Senator), Sheila Moran (UU Church), Laurel Gourville (Board of Health), and Kelli Parece (Woodville PTO)