Saturday, May 7, 2011


The Math MCAS will be next week for our 3rd graders and the following week for our 4th graders. Some tips to remember to keep in mind are:
• Eat a nutritious breakfast. A healthy breakfast that is high in protein and carbohydrates will help to sustain energy and concentration.
• Get a good night’s sleep. Children need a minimum of eight hours sleep a night to remain alert and energetic. Many need more. Develop consistent routines that establish good sleep habits
• Foster confidence and a positive attitude. Allow enough time getting ready for school in the morning to avoid rushing and confusion. Pack backpacks and belongings the night before to ensure that your child is calm, organized and has everything that they need. To minimize stress simply encourage your child to “try their best” and express your confidence that they will do well.
Please make every effort to have your child attend school on the day of his/her MCAS tests. Thank You!